Saturday, June 28, 2008

Logans month of June 2008

Today is my last day here until August, i have had a blast. I have done alot: like, gone the u.p (it was only a day but it was worth it to see everybody, accept i didnt see my aunt Marcy ): but i deffinitely will in August(:), i got to see my damma too! she came down for a couple of days, we went out to lunch with savanna and then went to kohls. Also we went to my aunt kris and uncle Andys pool, gone to church, went out to lunch with my dad, then we went to Craigs Cruisers (and i had a better lap time then my dad (:), also we went to my cousin Sam graduation party, i also hung out with my friend tessa ALOT! This last week she had spent every single day and night with me.(which right now she is sleeping down staris) Gina (the babysitter) and I made friendship bread, but we didnt make it right (of course), Gina spent the night one night and we had a movie night and watch The Bucket List, and of course i cried (my dad cried to but he just wont ammit it (:), also Tessa and I slept in her tent in her front yard when it was poring down rain and we had strong wind, also i went to the gym with kerryann, and we went to this class called buts and guts, oh my gosh it was hard but it was good to get a nice workout, i moved the grass too which by the way was much fun! (:, also i hung out with my sister Savanna and my brother George, even though there a pain sometimes there still my brother and sister (:, i also went to the Muskegon Summer Celebration and rode rides with Tessa and you dont want to know about the rest, and i am sure we did alot more but it would take me forever to write it all, but i had fun, LOTS! i am going to miss everybody ALOT, i am excited to come back in august and see everybody again. Well bye everybody, i love you guys alot. cant wait till i come back in august. (:

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

June 1, 2008

We took the kids on a bike picnic today (Sunday)!! What a riot and they did so good!! We ended up getting another bike seat for our bikes... I had Savanna and Dad had George plus pulled the cart behind him with our lunch, diaper bag, etc. We road down to Walker park which is behind Walker Fitness.. They have two different play sets back there, ponds, bike trails, etc. The kids had a ball!! On the way home we went down to the ice cream garage for a nice treat!! Didn't even realize that we had been gone for for 3-1/2 hours!!

Still struggling a little bit with George with the pink eye... It is horrible trying to get the drops into his eyes.... Sometimes need Savanna, Dad and I to all hold him down and get his eye open... Then he gets up and starts laughing at us!! Lil' devil.... He has not had a normal bowel movement for over a week either... Dr. thinks it is viral and can't do anything... He is still in great spirits though!! Dad has a Honda 200x in the garage and he loves to go for rides and sits on it all the time. He can get the kick starter out by himself and thinks he is so cool!! He also rides Savanna's little princess bike.... He starts at the garage and gives himself a push off, lifts his feet up and rolls down the driveway into the road... Naughty but truly smart little boy!! He does better than Sav ever did with the battery powered Jeep also!! Did I say that he is only 18 months old????!!

Savanna..... what can I say.... today is Wednesday and she helped Gina clean the tupperware cupboard out.... matched all the lids to the bowls... She knows her ABC's, can count to 15-20, can look at the pictures on the pages of her nursery rhyme book and recite or sing the whole story.... Knows at least 10 of them!! Can sing a ton of songs on the county radio.... But..... won't go on the potty consistently.... guess it will come in her own time!!

Logan coming this weekend!! YEAH!! Can't wait..............................

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Memorial Day weekend, 2008

Thursday morning of Memorial day weekend started off with a bang!! Savy Jene woke up with what we later found out was "pink eye".... yee haw.... after a trip to see Aunt Beth at her office, and medication, we were off to the U.P.

We ended up spending the night with Dama at her hotel in St. Ignace. Savanna and George so missed their "Dama" and were so excited to see her!! Aunt Marcy was there to welcome us too!! After breakfast with Dama, we were off to TL!!

Our first stop was to see Aunt Kimmy for haircuts for both Georgie and Savy and a nice visit!! The kidswere in school and we were sad to miss them and Uncle Kirt.

From there we were off to see Grandma Barager who had been in Florida all winter and had just recently got back to TL.... After some cookies and homemade chicken noodle soup, Dad dropped the golf cart and off Mom and the kids went to the cabin... Cousin Tom had arrived and had a "bad pipe"....

Of course, we had to stop at the store and see Grandma Victoria for some ice cream and a visit too before we ventured out to the mosquito and black fly-haven of a cabin!!

As Savanna would say.... "my Donny and Aunt Bethany" came Friday night to spend the weekend with us... Dad and Don got the boat launched, the golf cart home from Uncle Dennis', a new-used swing set from Uncle Kirt and Aunt Kimmy set up, etc.

It was great weather all weekend, pretty warm.... and oh, did I mention that the mosquitos and black flies that chowed on the kids and drove the adults nuts... by the time we left, which was a day early because of the bugs, the kids looked like they had chicken pox and Dad called he realtor on the way home and listed the cabin for sale!! Don't go to the cabin on Memorial Day weekend!! BUGGIES!!