Monday, May 12, 2008


May 12, 2008
Wonderful weekend at our household! Greg spent the majority of the weekend building a bigger deck on the back of the house. As of Sunday night it was completed and looks great!! He even had time to make me breakfast on Sunday, take me out to lunch, pick up the house, etc.!! What a wonderful husband I have!!

Kids are still suffering from their colds... Snot galore it seems and coughs... But verry happy to be outside in the warmer weather!! They are quite the riot!! George only wants to be on the golf cart, three wheeler or motorcycle going "vroom vroom"!! He does it so well!! He definitely has the word "no" down pat too!! Growing like a weed... won't stay out of the road.... typical boy who gets into everything.... but oh so cute!!

Savanna is beautiful and her Daddy tells her so every day!! We are trying to potty train her to not the best avail!! Bought her "gummy bears" and she gets one every time she goes on the potty... Guess it comes when she is ready!! Very talkative and knows it all.... Her latest saying is "Mom... what do you want to do? Huh Huh? What do you want to do? Do you want to go outside, or go downstairs or swing? Huh Huh... what do you want to do?" I laugh every time... Makes you realize that you need to stop doing the laundry or whatever chore doesn't need to get done and just PLAY!! Enjoy your kids!!

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